As you can see - both of my boys were pirates! They were cute little pirates. Last year, photos were so much easier because you could just put Samuel in a basket... This year, he could possibly outweigh his brother so he was hard to control. Not to mention the fact that he grew out of his
Halloween costume in three weeks. His shirt was a "belly top". I had to improvise and turn a pajama shirt inside out to keep his "midriff" from showing. I think he has a
carb addiction but
that's another post.
Finally - a descent shot. It was hard to get both of them to look at the camera. Sammy isn't much for hats so you can only imagine how long that lasted.
Here we are! Yes - I am wearing rubber boots and a witches hat... It was muddy people... Really muddy! We did have fun! Drew has more candy than the law should allow. And Sammy, well he got what mommy likes!
What great photos! You're really growing as a photographer. The boys' costumes are adorable.