Here is a picture of me with my babies. This photo was taken on Mother's Day - my husband wasn't in it because he took the photo. 

Just in case you care; We love the outdoors, thrift stores, yard sales, photography and small country towns. Something that I feel obligated to confess to you is that we totally fall in the category of terrible housekeepers. One of my favorite shows is Clean House and I swear if we lived in California - we would qualify for that show... That part of our life is a constant work in progress - at the end of the day - I could care less about what others think of my housekeeping skills... I work a full time job and my evenings are for my kiddos - even if the house is dirty.

That's Brandon... Did I mention that he loves us? He really loves his boys. He also really loves to hunt and fish - its a rarity to see a photo of him without something dead. Brandon also likes to cut the grass...
Thanks for reading about my crazy but incredibly cool family.
Love the new blog! Keep the posts coming!