Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sick Boy....

Sammy was sick last week - or maybe the week before but whatever. This is how he woke up! He was so sick with a sinus infection.

A few minutes passed and he started to get a little better. He has "sleep marks" on the side of his face.

See those boogers all over his face! His poor eyes were so runny but his mood was better by the minute.

Here he is posing! You wouldn't know that he was sick here!

Shuckkin Corn....

Drew helped Brandon shuck the corn before we ate the other night. Brandon is the most patient dad ever. He loves to show Drew how to do things and he just answers all of the questions that he asks - regardless of how crazy they are!

His face is painted----like a cow. Its wearing off - and he has a nasty bug bite on his chest.

The corn was good!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brotherly Love

Sammy is learning to walk..... He's really not in too much of a hurry at all. As Samuel is trying to pull up and maneuver around the kitchen, the boys decided to play in the curtains! I normally don't let them do this but I got some really great shots!

I love this picture! This is the look - the look of brotherly love! In the moment, its hard to have emotions because I'm always trying to get the best shot... Its afterward that I really start to notice how much I miss when I'm behind my lens. Look at those two - they are precious!

And there's my Samuel. He pulled up and was looking out the window. I love, love, love listening to him jabber!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

No photos today...

Samuel was sick this week with a sinus infection....I did take some photos of him while he was sick because believe it or not - he was in the mood to pose. I'll get them off of my camera some time this year.

There is a lot to be done today.

1. Every suit that I own needs to go to the cleaners
2. sweep, mop or vacuum every inch of flooring in all 2400 sq ft of our home
3. unload/reload dishwasher
4.deep clean every room in our house
5. finish laundry - are any of you ever caught up completely?
6. gather at least one more bag of "goodwill" stuff

Seriously, I could so add more to this to do list but it is already after 9am and I haven't started. I wish I had a housekeeper. One of my facebook friends does a "Thursday Deep Clean". Maybe I should try something like that.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I remember my first rainbow sighting... We were at mamaw's when there was a really bad storm - so bad that there was a tree that uprooted in the front yard. It was pretty scary, a lot of thunder and lightening. As a child, those things are all pretty scary and to be honest most of my memory of that particular storm is just from hearing the story told several times over the years. What I do remember was the rainbow after. "Rainbow Bright" was one of my personal favorites as a little girl - so were the "Care Bears"... Needless to say, I had witnessed my share of animated rainbows but those could not compare to my first real rainbow. There are pictures somewhere but now that my grandmother is gone - they have probably went with one of my aunts or uncles.

My point to this is that at three years old, Drew got to see his first rainbow after last weeks storms. There was no real damage here just a lot of ponding water in our yard that ultimately ended in mosquito infestation but that's another post for another day. I hope Drew remembers this rainbow on our porch - for one thing it is just cool but in this particular instance, Drew got to see a double rainbow which I think is fairly rare.

The storm scared him pretty bad so it was nice to be able to show him that something beautiful resulted from that scary storm.

My boy was pretty much amazed. You can barely see the second rainbow. It really was pretty cool. Have any of you witnessed a rainbow lately?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Samuels Birthday Party....Part One

Brandon and I spent a long time preparing for Sammy's birthday party. I had quite the guilty conscience for celebrating it two weeks late. Everyone told me that it would be different with the second child - there is just so much more to do!

This is the homemade "smasher" cake that I made for my baby. Not the prettiest cake in the world but after drew, I realized that there really isn't much of a need for an expensive cake or one that you buy at the store at all.
This is the caterpillar cake that I made for him. I'm not the best cake decorator in the world but I definitely think that I should give myself more credit. Drew really liked it and so did all of the other kids.

We have such a wonderful family. They are so generous and loving when it comes to our children. Samuel got some really great gifts! He really did get a great mix of toys, clothes and some awesome books! We read "Green Eggs and Ham" as soon as everyone left.

Here he is with that cake. He didn't smash it as much as I thought that he would. As a matter of fact, my baby almost acted a little nervous. He didn't really act like he wanted people to look at him. I'm not sure that he knew what the big deal was.

There will be more pics to come tomorrow! We took so many and the light was really bad - needless to say, I have a lot of editing to do.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm having a bad Monday...

Soooo.... I decided to blog about my kids. This has been a rough day for my baby - he is teething and when I say teething, I mean that boy is getting like six teeth at once. Bless his little baby heart.

These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago at James's birthday party. Yes - my child licking the front door is probably very unsanitary but my goodness it was funny. He must have liked the taste because he just kept going back for more and more and more.

The next addiction that he discovered was blue sidewalk chalk... Apparently, he didn't like the taste of it by the looks of his face in this picture.

That didn't stop my boy. He gives everything a second chance... Good thing that its non-toxic. He might have eaten the whole box but I just couldn't bare to watch him gag on it for another second.

Next, he decided that he wanted to give the trampoline a try with his big brother.... He had a blast! Just look at that face! I think he's a "thrill seeker" or something. He'll probably be jumping from planes and crazy stuff like that when he gets bigger.

Lord, help me please?