Since just one year before I met Brandon, the Jacobi family has been getting together at Grandma Jacobi's house to honor her memory the Sunday before her birthday by exchanging angels. I didn't quite understand how special it was until I lost my own grandmother.
This year, we exchanged angels but I only brought for the boys. This angel is Drew's. It came from Elaine Efkeman (Susan's oldest sister).

This angel is from Heather Jacobi (Craigs wife). It went to baby Sam.

In addition to the angel exchange, we all got together to eat and have fun. It was such a beautiful day and all of the little boys and girls played outside in the same yard that Brandon and his cousins played in when they were younger. It really made me happy to know that my boys come from such strong, large families. These are memories that I hope that they will hold dear forever.

Sammy and Luke are exactly seven days apart and they were soooo cute! They are about the same size and would just look at eachother like, "Hey, what are you"? It was precious. We laid baby Preston next to them to see how small he really is!

This morning while writing this entry, I explained to my Drew that even though his Great Grandma Jacobi is in heaven, she still watches over him along with several other angels. He didn't really understand but I think it is important that he knows about her. She never knew any of ther great grandchildren as the first one (Walker) came right after her death. I know that she was smiling down on us that day and I hope that she knows that she is loved.